Cost of Care Estimates

Costs estimates for some of our most common services and procedures are based on a range of possible charges or an average price, depending on which method will give the most accurate estimate. While we try our best to provide you with an accurate estimate, the actual charge may vary due to other factors that may arise. If you don’t see the service you are looking for call for an estimate.

Laboratory: (603) 527-2990
All Other Services: (603) 227-7788

What You Need to Know

  • Estimates include Hospital facility charges and Concord Hospital Medical Group (CHMG) physician charges.
  • Estimates do not include charges from independent physicians who are not part of CHMG. Examples of independent physician charges include anesthesia, pathology, radiology and surgeon fees. This means you may be billed for Hospital facility charges, CHMG physician charges, and independent physician charges.
  • If you are insured your insurance is billed directly. We have contractual agreements with many insurance companies that may result in discounts on these prices. You may be responsible for out-of-pocket costs.
  • If you are uninsured you will receive a 69 percent discount on our charges. (See estimated uninsured price.)
  • If you have concerns about paying for your services, we encourage you to apply for financial assistance.

Price Transparency

We have published our pricing information as required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services or CMS, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Shoppable Services

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services require hospitals to publish common shoppable services in a consumer-friendly format. The files are available as Excel files to download.

Machine-Readable File

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services require hospitals to provide a comprehensive list of charges for all items and services, which includes the rates negotiated with insurance companies.

Download Concord Hospital – Laconia Machine Readable File

Download Concord Hospital – Franklin Machine Readable File

The price information contained in this file is not an estimate of the costs that you are responsible for paying. It is not intended for patients and does not reflect your out-of-pocket costs. If you are a patient, you can request a cost estimate by viewing the shoppable services files or by calling (603) 524-3211.

As part of the Transparency in Coverage Regulation and Consolidated Appropriations Act, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is required to provide a machine readable file for members of self-funded plans to access. Concord Hospital – Laconia and Concord Hospital – Franklin offer employees a self-funded health insurance plan. To comply with the requirements of the law, machine readable files are available on Anthem’s website for those covered under the self-funded plan to access. To view machine readable files for these two Hospitals, an EIN search can be performed. Upon entry of each organization’s Employer Identification Number (Laconia EIN 85-1443, Franklin EIN 85-1433123), the machine readable file links for the pricing for the respective organizations.

Shoppable Service File

In compliance with federal requirements, we make available a price list of shoppable services, which are services that patients can schedule in advance.